Sunday, September 27, 2009

10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines

10 useful usability findings and guidelines that may help you improve the user experience on your websites from Smashing Magazine

1. Form Labels Work Best Above The Field
2. Users Focus On Faces
3. Quality Of Design Is An Indicator Of Credibility
4. Most Users Do Not Scroll
5. Blue Is The Best Color For Links
6. The Ideal Search Box Is 27-Characters Wide
7. White Space Improves Comprehension
8. Effective User Testing Doesn’t Have To Be Extensive
9. Informative Product Pages Help You Stand Out
10. Most Users Are Blind To Advertising

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Facebook Open Sources FriendFeed’s Real-Time Tech

Facebook is open sourcing a portion of FriendFeed named Tornado, a real-time web framework for Python.
Facebook employee, Dave Recordon, explains the open-sourcing today on Facebook’s Developers blog.

Tornado is a relatively simple, non-blocking Web server framework written in Python, designed to handle thousands of simultaneous connections, making it ideal for real-time Web services.

While Tornado is similar to existing Web-frameworks in Python (Django, Google’s webapp,, it focuses on speed and handling large amounts of simultaneous traffic.
Three key parts of Tornado:
All the basic site building blocks – Tornado comes with built-in support for a lot of the most difficult and tedious aspects of web development, including templates, signed cookies, user authentication, localization, aggressive static file caching, cross-site request forgery protection, and third party authentication like Facebook Connect. You only need to use the features you want, and it is easy to mix and match Tornado with other frameworks.
Real-time services – Tornado supports large numbers of concurrent connections. It is easy to write real-time services via long polling or HTTP streaming with Tornado. Every active user of FriendFeed maintains an open connection to FriendFeed’s servers.

High performance – Tornado is pretty fast relative to most Python web frameworks. Tornado’s baseline throughput was over four times higher than the other frameworks.

Amazon Offering All Non-iPhone AT&T Phones Today For A Penny With New 2-Year Contract today is offering every AT&T wireless handset - other than the iPhone - for a penny with a new two-year service contract. The site lists 84 handsets that can be yours for one cent, including models from Research In Motion, Samsung, LG, HTC and various other manufacturers. They’re also waiving the activation fee, and promising two-day free shipping.

Memory Mapped Buffers and Non-blocking IO in Java

The new I/O (input/output) packages finally address Java's long-standing shortcomings in its high-performance, scalable I/O. The new I/O packages -- java.nio.* -- allow Java applications to handle thousands of open connections while delivering scalability and excellent performance. These packages introduce four key abstractions that work together to solve the problems of traditional Java I/O:
  1. A Buffer contains data in a linear sequence for reading or writing. A special buffer provides for memory-mapped file I/O.
  2. A charset maps Unicode character strings to and from byte sequences. (Yes, this is Java's third shot at character conversion.)
  3. Channels -- which can be sockets, files, or pipes -- represent a bidirectional communication pipe.
  4. Selectors multiplex asynchronous I/O operations into one or more threads.

A quick review

Before diving into the new API's gory details, let's review Java I/O's old style. Imagine a basic network daemon. It needs to listen to a ServerSocket, accept incoming connections, and service each connection. Assume for this example that servicing a connection involves reading a request and sending a response. That resembles the way a Web server works. Figure 1 depicts the server's lifecycle. At each heavy black line, the I/O operation blocks -- that is, the operation call won't return until the operation completes.

Figure 1. Blocking points in a typical Java server
Let's take a closer look at each step.
Creating a ServerSocket is easy:
ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(8001);

Accepting new connections is just as easy, but with a hidden catch:
Socket newConnection = server.accept();

The call to server.accept() blocks until the ServerSocket accepts an incoming network connection. That leaves the calling thread sitting for an indeterminate length of time. If this application has only one thread, it does a great impression of a system hang.
Once the incoming connection has been accepted, the server can read a request from that socket, as shown in the code below. Don't worry about the Request object. It is a fiction invented to keep this example simple.
InputStream in = newConnection.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(in);
LineNumberReader lnr = new LineNumberReader(reader);
Request request = new Request();
while(!request.isComplete()) {
  String line = lnr.readLine();
This harmless-looking chunk of code features problems. Let's start with blocking. The call to lnr.readLine() eventually filters down to call There, if data waits in the network buffer, the call immediately returns some data to the caller. If there isn't enough data buffered, then the call to read blocks until enough data is received or the other computer closes the socket. Because LineNumberReader asks for data in chunks (it extends BufferedReader), it might just sit around waiting to fill a buffer, even though the request is actually complete. The tail end of the request can sit in a buffer that LineNumberReader has not returned.

This code fragment also creates too much garbage, another big problem. LineNumberReader creates a buffer to hold the data it reads from the socket, but it also creates Strings to hold the same data. In fact, internally, it creates a StringBuffer. LineNumberReader reuses its own buffer, which helps a little. Nevertheless, all the Strings quickly become garbage.
Now it's time to send the response. It might look something like this (imagine that the Response object creates its stream by locating and opening a file):
Response response = request.generateResponse();
OutputStream out = newConnection.getOutputStream();
InputStream in = response.getInputStream();
int ch;
while(-1 != (ch = {
This code suffers from only two problems. Again, the read and write calls block. Writing one character at a time to a socket slows the process, so the stream should be buffered. Of course, if the stream were buffered, then the buffers would create more garbage.

You can see that even this simple example features two problems that won't go away: blocking and garbage.

The old way to break through blocks

The usual approach to dealing with blocking I/O in Java involves threads -- lots and lots of threads. You can simply create a pool of threads waiting to process requests, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Worker threads to handle requests
Threads allow a server to handle multiple connections, but they still cause trouble. First, threads are not cheap. Each has its own stack and receives some CPU allocation. As a practical matter, a JVM might create dozens or even a few hundred threads, but it should never create thousands of them.
In a deeper sense, you don't need all those threads. They do not efficiently use the CPU. In a request-response server, each thread spends most of its time blocked on some I/O operation. These lazy threads offer an expensive approach to keeping track of each request's state in a state machine. The best solution would multiplex connections and threads so a thread could order some I/O work and go on to something productive, instead of just waiting for the I/O work to complete.

New I/O, new abstractions

Now that we've reviewed the classic approach to Java I/O, let's look at how the new I/O abstractions work together to solve the problems we've seen with the traditional approach.
Along with each of the following sections, I refer to sample code (available in Resources) for an HTTP server that uses all these abstractions. Each section builds on the previous sections, so the final structure might not be obvious from just the buffer discussion.

Buffered to be easier on your stomach

Truly high-performance server applications must obsess about garbage collection. The unattainable ideal server application would handle a request and response without creating any garbage. The more garbage the server creates, the more often it must collect garbage. The more often it collects garbage, the lower its throughput.

Of course, it's impossible to avoid creating garbage altogether; you need to just manage it the best way you know how. That's where buffers come in. Traditional Java I/O wastes objects all over the place (mostly Strings). The new I/O avoids this waste by using Buffers to read and write data. A Buffer is a linear, sequential dataset and holds only one data type according to its class:
java.nio.Buffer Abstract base class
java.nio.ByteBuffer Holds bytes. Can be direct or nondirect. Can be read from a ReadableByteChannel. Can be written to a WritableByteChannel.
java.nio.MappedByteBuffer Holds bytes. Always direct. Contents are a memory-mapped region of a file.
java.nio.CharBuffer Holds chars. Cannot be written to a Channel.
java.nio.DoubleBuffer Holds doubles. Cannot be written to a Channel.
java.nio.FloatBuffer Holds floats. Can be direct or nondirect.
java.nio.IntBuffer Holds ints. Can be direct or nondirect.
java.nio.LongBuffer Holds longs. Can be direct or nondirect.
java.nio.ShortBuffer Holds shorts. Can be direct or nondirect.

Table 1. Buffer classes
You allocate a buffer by calling either allocate(int capacity) or allocateDirect(int capacity) on a concrete subclass. As a special case, you can create a MappedByteBuffer by calling mode, long position, int size).
A direct buffer allocates a contiguous memory block and uses native access methods to read and write its data. When you can arrange it, a direct buffer is the way to go. Nondirect buffers access their data through Java array accessors. Sometimes you must use a nondirect buffer -- when using any of the wrap methods (like ByteBuffer.wrap(byte[])) -- to construct a Buffer on top of a Java array, for example.
When you allocate the Buffer, you fix its capacity; you can't resize these containers. Capacity refers to the number of primitive elements the Buffer can contain. Although you can put multibyte data types (short, int, float, long, and so on) into a ByteBuffer, its capacity is still measured in bytes. The ByteBuffer converts larger data types into byte sequences when you put them into the buffer. (See the next section for a discussion about byte ordering.) Figure 3 shows a brand new ByteBuffer created by the code below. The buffer features a capacity of eight bytes.
ByteBuffer example = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(8);

Figure 3. A fresh ByteBuffer

The Buffer's position is the index of the next element that will be written or read. As you can see in Figure 3, position starts at zero for a newly allocated Buffer. As you put data into the Buffer, position climbs toward the limit. Figure 4 shows the same buffer after the calls in the next code fragment add some data.
example.put( (byte)0xca );
example.putShort( (short)0xfeba );
example.put( (byte)0xbe );

Figure 4. ByteBuffer after a few puts

Another of the buffer's important attributes is its limit. The limit is the first element that should not be read or written. Attempting to put() past the limit causes a BufferOverflowException. Similarly, attempting to get() past the limit causes a BufferUnderflowException. For a new buffer, the limit equals the capacity. There is a trick to using buffers. Between filling the buffer with data and writing it on a Channel, the buffer must flip. Flipping a buffer primes it for a new sequence of operations. If you've been putting data into a buffer, flipping it ensures that it's ready to read the data. More precisely, flipping the buffer sets its limit to the current position and then resets its position to zero. Its capacity does not change. The following code flips the buffer. Figure 5 depicts the effect of flipping the sample buffer.

Figure 5. The flipped ByteBuffer
After the flip, the buffer can be read. In this example, get() returns four bytes before it throws a BufferUnderflowException.

An aside about byte ordering

Any data type larger than a byte must be stored in multiple bytes. A short (16 bits) requires two bytes, while an int (32 bits) requires four bytes. For a variety of historical reasons, different CPU architectures pack these bytes differently. On big-endian architectures, the most significant byte goes in the lowest address, as shown in Figure 6. Big-endian order is often referred to as network order.

Figure 6. Big-endian byte ordering
Little-endian architectures put the least significant byte first, as in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Little-endian byte ordering

Anyone who programs networks in C or C++ can rant at length about byte-ordering problems. Host byte order, network byte order, big endian, little endian ... they're a pain. If you put a short into a byte array in big-endian ordering and remove it in little-endian ordering, you receive a different number than you put in! (See Figure 8.)

Figure 8. The result of mismatched byte ordering
You might have noticed that the call to example.putShort() illustrated in Figure 4 resulted in 0xFE at Position 1 and 0xBA at Position 2. In other words, the most significant byte went into the lowest numbered slot. Therefore, Figure 4 offers an example of big-endian byte ordering. java.nio.ByteBuffer defaults to big-endian byte ordering on all machines, no matter what the underlying CPU might use. (In fact, Intel microprocessors are little endian.) ByteBuffer uses instances of java.nio.ByteOrder to determine its byte ordering. The static constants ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN and ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN do exactly what you would expect.
Essentially, if you talk to another Java program, leave the byte ordering alone and it will work. If you talk to a well-behaved socket application in any language, you should also leave the byte ordering alone. You fiddle with byte ordering in only two instances: when you talk to a poorly-behaved network application that does not respect network byte ordering, or when you deal with binary data files created on a little-endian machine.

How do buffers help?

So how can buffers improve performance and cut down on garbage? You could create a pool of direct Buffers to avoid allocations during request processing. Or you could create Buffers for common situations and keep them around. The following fragment from our sample HTTP server illustrates the latter approach:
class ReadWriteThread extends Thread {
  private WeakHashMap fileCache = new WeakHashMap();
  private ByteBuffer[] responseBuffers = new ByteBuffer[2];
  public ReadWriteThread(Selector readSelector, 
                         ConnectionList acceptedConnections, 
                         File dir) 
      throws Exception 
    responseBuffers[0] = initializeResponseHeader();
  protected ByteBuffer initializeResponseHeader() throws Exception {
    // Pre-load a "good" HTTP response as characters.
    CharBuffer chars = CharBuffer.allocate(88);
    chars.put("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n");
    chars.put("Connection: close\n");
    chars.put("Server: Java New I/O Example\n");
    chars.put("Content-Type: text/html\n");
    // Translate the Unicode characters into ASCII bytes.
    ByteBuffer buffer = ascii.newEncoder().encode(chars);
    ByteBuffer directBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(buffer.limit());
    return directBuffer;
The above code is an excerpt from the thread that reads requests and sends responses. In the constructor, we set up two ByteBuffers for the responses. The first buffer always contains the HTTP response header. This particular server always sends the same headers and the same response code. To send error responses, the method sendError() (not shown above) creates a similar buffer with an HTTP error response for a particular status code. It saves the error response headers in a WeakHashMap, keyed by the HTTP status code.

The initializeResponseHeader() method actually uses three buffers. It fills a CharBuffer with Strings. The character set encoder turns the Unicode strings into bytes. I will cover character conversion later. Since this header is sent at the beginning of every response from the server, it saves time to create the response once, save it in a buffer, and just send the buffer every time. Notice the call to flip the CharBuffer after we put our data into it. The third buffer used in initializeResponseHeader() seems a bit odd. Why convert the characters into a ByteBuffer just to then copy them into another ByteBuffer? The answer: because CharsetEncoder creates a nondirect ByteBuffer. When you write a direct buffer to a channel, it immediately passes to native calls. However, when you pass a nondirect buffer to a channel, the channel provider creates a new, direct buffer and copies the nondirect buffer's contents. That means extra garbage and a data copy. It worsens when the buffer with the response header is sent in every HTTP response. Why let the channel provider create a direct buffer on every request if we can do it once and get it over with?

Character encoding

When putting data into ByteBuffers, two related problems crop up: byte ordering and character conversion. ByteBuffer handles byte ordering internally using the ByteOrder class. It does not deal with character conversion, however. In fact, ByteBuffer doesn't even have methods for reading or writing strings. Character conversion is a complicated topic, subject to many international standards, including the Internet Engineering Task Force's requests for comments, the Unicode Standard, and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). However, almost every time you deal with character conversion, you must convert Unicode strings to either ASCII or UTF-8. Fortunately, these are easy cases to handle. ASCII and UTF-8 are examples of character sets. A character set defines a mapping from Unicode to bytes and back again. Character sets are named according to IANA standards. In Java, a character set is represented by an instance of java.nio.charset.Charset. As with most internationalization classes, you do not construct Charsets directly. Instead, you use the static factory method Charset.forName() to acquire an appropriate instance. Charset.availableCharsets() gives you a map of supported character set names and their Charset instances. The J2SE 1.4 beta includes eight character sets: US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE (big endian), UTF-16LE (little endian), and Windows-1252.

Charset constructs CharsetEncoders and CharsetDecoders to convert character sequences into bytes and back again. Take another look at ReadWriteThread below. The encoder shows up twice for converting an entire CharBuffer into a ByteBuffer. readRequest, on the other hand, uses the decoder on the incoming request.
class ReadWriteThread extends Thread {
  private Charset ascii;
  public ReadWriteThread(Selector readSelector, 
                         ConnectionList acceptedConnections, 
                         File dir) 
      throws Exception 
    ascii = Charset.forName("US-ASCII");
    responseBuffers[0] = initializeResponseHeader();
  protected ByteBuffer initializeResponseHeader() throws Exception {
    // Translate the Unicode characters into ASCII bytes.
    ByteBuffer buffer = ascii.newEncoder().encode(chars);
  protected String readRequest(SelectionKey key) throws Exception {
    SocketChannel incomingChannel = (SocketChannel);
    Socket incomingSocket = incomingChannel.socket();
    int bytesRead =;
    String result = asciiDecoder.decode(readBuffer).toString();
    StringBuffer requestString = (StringBuffer)key.attachment();
  protected void sendError(SocketChannel channel, 
                           RequestException error) throws Exception {
      // Translate the Unicode characters into ASCII bytes.
      buffer = ascii.newEncoder().encode(chars);
      errorBufferCache.put(error, buffer);

Channel the new way

You might notice that none of the existing classes know how to read or write Buffers. In Merlin, Channels read data into Buffers and send data from Buffers. Channels join Streams and Readers as a key I/O construct. A channel might be thought of as a connection to some device, program, or network. At the top level, the java.nio.channels.Channel interface just knows whether it is open or closed. A nifty feature of Channel is that one thread can be blocked on an operation, and another thread can close the channel. When the channel closes, the blocked thread awakens with an exception indicating that the channel closed. There are several Channel classes, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Channel interface hierarchy
Additional interfaces depicted in Figure 9 add methods for reading (java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel), writing (java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel), and scatter/gather operations. A gathering write can write data from several buffers to the channel in one contiguous operation. Conversely, a scattering read can read data from the channel and deposit it into several buffers, filling each one in turn to its limit. Scatter/gather operations have been used for years in high-performance I/O managers in Unix and Windows NT. SCSI controllers also employ scatter/gather to improve overall performance. In Java, the channels quickly pass scatter/gather operations down to the native operating system functions for vectored I/O. Scatter/gather operations also ease protocol or file handling, particularly when you create fixed headers in some buffers and change only one or two variable data buffers. You can configure channels for blocking or nonblocking operations. When blocking, calls to read, write, or other operations do not return until the operation completes. Large writes over a slow socket can take a long time. In nonblocking mode, a call to write a large buffer over a slow socket would just queue up the data (probably in an operating system buffer, though it could even queue it up in a buffer on the network card) and return immediately. The thread can move on to other tasks while the operating system's I/O manager finishes the job. Similarly, the operating system always buffers incoming data until the application asks for it. When blocking, if the application asks for more data than the operating system has received, the call blocks until more data comes in. In nonblocking mode, the application just gets whatever data is immediately available. The sample code included with this article uses each of the following three channels at various times:
  • ServerSocketChannel
  • SocketChannel
  • FileChannel


java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel plays the same role as It creates a listening socket that accepts incoming connections. It cannot read or write. ServerSocketChannel.socket() provides access to the underlying ServerSocket, so you can still set socket options that way. As is the case with all the specific channels, you do not construct ServerSocketChannel instances directly. Instead, use the factory method.
ServerSocketChannel.accept() returns a for a newly connected client. (Note: Before Beta 3, accept() returned a Now the method returns a SocketChannel, which is less confusing for developers.) If the ServerSocketChannel is in blocking mode, accept() won't return until a connection request arrives. (There is an exception: you can set a socket timeout on the ServerSocket. In that case, accept() eventually throws a TimeoutException.) If the ServerSocketChannel is in nonblocking mode, accept() always returns immediately with either a Socket or null. In the sample code, AcceptThread constructs a ServerSocketChannel called ssc and binds it to a local TCP port:
class AcceptThread extends Thread {
  private ServerSocketChannel ssc;
  public AcceptThread(Selector connectSelector, 
                      ConnectionList list, 
                      int port) 
      throws Exception 
    ssc =;
    InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(port);


java.nio.channels.SocketChannel is the real workhorse in this application. It encapsulates a and adds a nonblocking mode and a state machine.

SocketChannels can be created one of two ways. First, creates a new, unconnected SocketChannel. Second, the Socket returned by ServerSocketChannel.accept() actually has an open and connected SocketChannel attached to it. This code fragment, from AcceptThread, illustrates the second approach to acquiring a SocketChannel:
class AcceptThread extends Thread {
  private ConnectionList acceptedConnections;
  protected void acceptPendingConnections() throws Exception {
    for(Iterator i = readyKeys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      ServerSocketChannel readyChannel = (ServerSocketChannel);
      SocketChannel incomingChannel = readyChannel.accept();
Like SelectableChannel's other subclasses, SocketChannel can be blocking or nonblocking. If it is blocking, then read and write operations on the SocketChannel behave exactly like blocking reads and writes on a Socket, with one vital exception: these blocking reads and writes can be interrupted if another thread closes the channel.


Unlike SocketChannel and ServerSocketChannel, java.nio.channels.FileChannel does not derive from SelectableChannel. As you will see in the next section, that means that FileChannels cannot be used for nonblocking I/O. Nevertheless, FileChannel has a slew of sophisticated features that were previously reserved for C programmers. FileChannels allow locking of file portions and direct file-to-file transfers that use the operating system's file cache. FileChannel can also map file regions into memory. Memory mapping a file uses the native operating system's memory manager to make a file's contents look like memory locations. For more efficient mapping, the operating system uses its disk paging system. From the application's perspective, the file contents just exist in memory at some range of addresses. When it maps a file region into memory, FileChannel creates a MappedByteBuffer to represent that memory region. MappedByteBuffer is a type of direct byte buffer. A MappedByteBuffer offers two big advantages. First, reading memory-mapped files is fast. The biggest gains go to sequential access, but random access also speeds up. The operating system can page the file into memory far better than can do its block reads. The second advantage is that using MappedByteBuffers to send files is simple, as shown in the next code fragment, also from ReadWriteThread:
protected void sendFile(String uri, SocketChannel channel) throws 
RequestException, IOException {
      System.out.println("ReadWriteThread: Sending " + uri);
    Object obj = fileCache.get(uri);
    if(obj == null) {
      try {
            File f = new File(baseDirectory, uri);
            FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
            FileChannel fc = fis.getChannel();
            int fileSize = (int)fc.size();
            responseBuffers[1] =, 0, fileSize);
            fileCache.put(uri, responseBuffers[1]);
      } catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
            throw RequestException.PAGE_NOT_FOUND;
    } else {
      responseBuffers[1] = (MappedByteBuffer)obj;
The sendFile() method sends a file as an HTTP response. The lines inside the try block create the MappedByteBuffer. The rest of the method caches the memory-mapped file buffers in a WeakHashMap. That way, repeated requests for the same file are blindingly fast, yet when memory tightens, the garbage collector eliminates the cached files. You could keep the buffers in a normal HashMap, but only if you know that the file number is small (and fixed). Notice that the call to channel.write() actually passes an array of two ByteBuffers (one direct, one mapped). Passing two buffers makes the call a gathering write operation. The first buffer is fixed to contain the HTTP response code, headers, and body separator. The second buffer is the memory-mapped file. The channel sends the entire contents of the first buffer (the response header) followed by the entire contents of the second buffer (the file data).

The bridge to the old world

Before moving on to nonblocking operations, you should investigate the class java.nio.channels.Channels. Channels allows new I/O channels to interoperate with old I/O streams and readers. Channels has static methods that can create a channel from a stream or reader or vice versa. It proves most useful when you deal with third-party packages that expect streams, such as XML parsers.


In the old days of blocking I/O, you always knew when you could read or write to a stream, because your call would not return until the stream was ready. Now, with nonblocking channels, you need some other way to tell when a channel is ready. In the new I/O packages, Selectors serve that purpose.

In Pattern Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 2, by Douglas Schmidt, Michael Stal, Hans Rohnert, and Frank Buschmann (John Wiley & Son Ltd, 1996), the authors present a pattern called Reactor. Reactor allows applications to decouple event arrival from event handling. Events arrive at arbitrary times but are not immediately dispatched. Instead, a Reactor keeps track of the events until the handlers ask for them.
A java.nio.channels.Selector plays the role of a Reactor. A Selector multiplexes events on SelectableChannels. In other words, a Selector provides a rendezvous point between I/O events on channels and client applications. Each SelectableChannel can register interest in certain events. Instead of notifying the application when the events happen, the channels track the events. Later, when the application calls one of the selection methods on the Selector, it polls the registered channels to see if any interesting events have occurred. Figure 10 depicts an example of a selector with two registered channels.

Figure 10. A selector polling its channels
Channels only register for operations they have interest in. Not every channel supports every operation. SelectionKey defines all possible operation bits, which are used twice. First, when the application registers the channel by calling SelectableChannel.register(Selector sel, int operations), it passes the sum of the desired operations as the second argument. Then, once a SelectionKey has been selected, the SelectionKey's readyOps() method returns the sum of all the operation bits that its channel is ready to perform. SelectableChannel.validOps() returns the allowed operations for each channel. Attempting to register a channel for operations it doesn't support results in an IllegalArgumentException. The following table lists the valid operations for each concrete subclass of SelectableChannel:
ServerSocketChannel OP_ACCEPT
DatagramChannel OP_READ, OP_WRITE
Pipe.SourceChannel OP_READ
Pipe.SinkChannel OP_WRITE

Table 2. SelectableChannels and their valid operations

A channel can register for different operation sets on different selectors. When the operating system indicates that a channel can perform one of the valid operations that it registered for, the channel is ready. On each selection call, a selector undergoes a series of actions. First, every key cancelled since the last selection drops from the selector's key set. A key can be cancelled by explicitly calling SelectionKey.cancel(), by closing the key's channel, or by closing the key's selector. Keys can be cancelled asynchronously -- even while the selector is blocking. Second, the selector checks each channel to see if it's ready. If it is, then the selector adds the channel's key to the ready set. When a key is in the ready set, the key's readyOps() method always returns a set of operations that the key's channel can perform. If the key was already in the ready set before this call to select(), then the new operations are added to the key's readyOps(), so that the key reflects all the available operations.
Next, if any keys have cancelled while the operating system checks are underway, they drop from the ready set and the registered key set.
Finally, the selector returns the number of keys in its ready set. The set itself can be obtained with the selectedKeys() method. If you call Selector.selectNow() and no channels are ready, then selectNow() just returns zero. On the other hand, if you call or timeout), then the selector blocks until at least one channel is ready or the timeout is reached. Selectors should be familiar to Unix or Win32 system programmers, who will recognize them as object-oriented versions of select() or WaitForSingleEvent(). Before Merlin, asynchronous I/O was the domain of C or C++ programmers; now it is available to Java programmers too. See the sidebar, "Is the New I/O Too Platform-Specific?", for a discussion of why Java is just now acquiring asynchronous I/O.

Applying selectors

The sample application uses two selectors. In AcceptThread, the first selector just handles the ServerSocketChannel:
class AcceptThread extends Thread {
  private ServerSocketChannel ssc;
  private Selector connectSelector;
  private ConnectionList acceptedConnections;
  public AcceptThread(Selector connectSelector, 
                      ConnectionList list, 
                      int port) 
      throws Exception 
    this.connectSelector = connectSelector;
    this.acceptedConnections = list;
    ssc =;
    InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(port);
    ssc.register(this.connectSelector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
  public void run() {
    while(true) {
      try {;
      } catch(Exception ex) {
  protected void acceptPendingConnections() throws Exception {
    Set readyKeys = connectSelector.selectedKeys();
    for(Iterator i = readyKeys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
      ServerSocketChannel readyChannel = (ServerSocketChannel);
      SocketChannel incomingChannel = readyChannel.accept();
AcceptThread uses connectSelector to detect incoming connection attempts. Whenever the selector indicates that the ServerSocketChannel is ready, there must be a connection attempt. AcceptThread.acceptPendingConnections() iterates through the selected keys (there can be only one) and removes it from the set. Thanks to the selector, we know that the call to ServerSocketChannel.accept() returns immediately. We can get a SocketChannel -- representing a client connection -- from the new Socket. That new channel passes to ReadWriteThread, by way of a FIFO (first in, first out) queue.

ReadWriteThread uses readSelector to find out when a request has been received. Because it is only a sample, our server application assumes that all requests arrive in a single TCP packet. That is not a good assumption for a real Web server. Other code samples have already shown ReadWriteThread's buffer management, file mapping, and response sending, so this listing contains only the selection code:
class ReadWriteThread extends Thread {
  private Selector readSelector;
  private ConnectionList acceptedConnections;
  public void run() {
    while(true) {
      try {
        int keysReady =;
        if(keysReady > 0) {
      } catch(Exception ex) {
  protected void registerNewChannels() throws Exception {
    SocketChannel channel;
    while(null != (channel = acceptedConnections.removeFirst())) {
      channel.register(readSelector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, new StringBuffer());
  protected void acceptPendingRequests() throws Exception {
    Set readyKeys = readSelector.selectedKeys();
    for(Iterator i = readyKeys.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey);
      SocketChannel incomingChannel = (SocketChannel);
      Socket incomingSocket = incomingChannel.socket();
            String path = readRequest(incomingSocket);
            sendFile(path, incomingChannel);

The main loops of each thread resemble each other, with the main difference being that ReadWriteThread registers for OP_READ, while AcceptThread registers for OP_ACCEPT. Naturally, the ways in which the respective events are handled differ; overall, however, both threads are instances of the Reactor pattern.
The third argument of register() is an attachment to the SelectionKey, which can be any object. The key holds on to the attachment for later use. Here, the attachment is a StringBuffer that readRequest uses to receive the incoming HTTP request. Each time readRequest reads a Buffer from the socket, it decodes the buffer and appends it to the request string. Once the request string is finished, readRequest calls handleCompleteRequest to parse the request and send the response.

A few gotchas

You might encounter a few tricky points when using selectors. First, although selectors are thread safe, their key sets are not. When Selector.selectedKeys() is called, it actually returns the Set that the selector uses internally. That means that any other selection operations (perhaps called by other threads) can change the Set. Second, once the selector puts a key in the selected set, it stays there. The only time a selector removes keys from the selected set is when the key's channel closes. Otherwise, the key stays in the selected set until it is explicitly removed. Third, registering a new channel with a selector that is already blocking does not wake up the selector. Although the selector appears as if it misses events, it will detect the events with the next call to select(). Fourth, a selector can have only 63 channels registered, which is probably not a big deal.

Monday, September 21, 2009

'AmazonBasics' - Amazon expands private label offerings with foray into CE

Amazon announced that it is expanding it's private label business with the introduction of AmazonBasics. There are 30 products being offered so far in the Consumer Electronic accessories category.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Programmers top 10 sentences

1. WTF!

The most repeated sentence in code reviews…

wtfmOriginal Source

2. It works in my machine!

We all have used this one when blamed for some error…

3. D’oh!

- Hi Homer, have you removed the debug code from production?


4. It will be ready tomorrow.

The problem with this sentence is that we use it again the next day, and the next day, and the next day…

5. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

The TV series ”The It Crowd” have helped to make this one even more popular…

6. Why?

Why do we keep asking why?

7. Is not a bug, it’s a feature.

- It restarts twice a day?!! Well that makes sure that the temporary files get deleted!


8. That code is crap.

All code is crap except mine.

9. My code is compiling…


Original source

10. No, I don’t know how to fix the microwave.

For some reason, non technical people use to think that every thing with buttons can be fixed by a programmer…

Thursday, September 17, 2009

MySpace OpenSourcing its Recommendation Engine

Qizmt, internally-developed recommendation framework was created by the Data Mining team at MySpace. You can see it in action right now with the “People You May Know” feature. But soon, MySpace plans to roll it out to other areas of the site for recommendations soon. MySpace plans to open-source the technology for anyone to use. They made the announcement today at the Computerworld Conference in Chicago
What makes Qizmt unique is that it was developed using C#.NET specifically for Windows platforms. This extends the rapid development nature of the .NET environment to the world of large scale data crunching and enables .NET developers to easily leverage their skill set to write MapReduce functions. Not only is Qizmt easy to use but based on our internal benchmarks we have shown its processing speeds to be competitive with the leading MapReduce open source projects on a lesser number of cores.
MySpace says it has published the code for Qizmt today. They also note that they have recently open-sourced MSFast, a service they built to help developers track page load performance. Rival Facebook has been doing a bit of its own open-sourcing recently. Last week, they opened up Tornado, the platform that help to power FriendFeed, which they recently acquired.

Hierarchy of caches for high performance and high capacity memcached

This is an idea I've been kicking around for a while and wanted some feedback. Memcached does an amazing job as it is but there's always room for improvement.
Two areas that memcached could be improved are local acceleration and large capacity support (terabyte range). I believe this could be done through a 'hierarchy of caches' with a local in-process cache used to buffer the normal memcached and a disk-based memcached backed by berkeley DB providing large capacity.

The infrastructure would look like this:
in-process memcached -> normal memcached -> disk memcached

The in-process memcached would not be configured to access a larger memcached cluster. Clients would not use the network to get() objects and it would only take up a small amount of memory on the local machine. Objects would not serialize themselves before they're stored so this should act like an ultrafast LRU cache as if it were a native caching system within the VM.
Since it's a local it should be MUCH faster than the current memcached.
Here are some benchmarks of APC-cache vs memcached.

Long story short a local cache can be 4-8x faster than normal memcached. The local in-process cache would be available on every node within this cluster and act as a L1 cache for ultra fast access to a small number of objects. I'm not sure all languages would support this type of cache because it would require access to and storage of object pointers. I believe you can do this with Java by hacking JNI pointers directly but I'm not 100% certain. This cache would be configured to buffer a normal memcached cluster. We're all familiar with this type of behavior so I won't explain this any further. The third component in the is a distributed memcached daemon which uses Berkeley DB (or another type of persistent hashtable) for storage instead of the normal slab allocator. While this might seem like blasphemy to a number of you I think it could be useful to a number of people with ultra large caching requirements (hundreds of gigs) which can't afford the required memory.

There's already a prototype implementation of this in Tugela Cache:

For optimal performance the memcached driver would have to do parallel and concurrent getMulti requests so that each disk in the system can seek at the same time. There are a number of memcached implementations (including the Java impl which I've contributed to) which fetch in serial. Since memcached is amazingly fast this really hasn't shown up in any of my benchmarks but this would really hinder a disk-backed memcached.

This would provide ultra high capacity and since the disk seeks are distributed over a large number of disks you can just add spindles to the equation to get higher throughput. This system would also NOT suffer from disk hotspots since memcached and the local in-memory memcached would buffer the disk backend.

From a non-theoretical perspective the local cache could be skipped or replaced with a native LRU cache. These are problematic though due to memory fragmentation and garbage collection issues. I use a local LRU cache for Java but if I configure it to store too many objects I can run out of memory. It also won't be able to reache the 85% capacity we're seeing with the new memcached patches.

I might also note that since it's now backed by a persistent disk backend one could use Memcached as a large distributed hashtable similar to Bigtable.

Some people have commented on how a disk backed memcached would basically be MySQL.The only thing it would have in common is the use of a disk for storage. A disk-backed memcached would scale much better than MySQL and berkeley DB simply due to the fact that you can just keep adding more servers and your read/writes will scale to use the new capacity of the cluster. One disk vs N disks. MySQL replication doesn't help because you can't scale out the writes. You can read my post on MySQL replication vs NDB if you'd like a longer explanation.
This would be closer to Bigtable, S3, or MySQL cluster (different than normal MySQL) but be here today and much simpler. It wouldn't support SQL of course because it would be a dictionary/map interface but this model is working very well for Bigtable and S3 users. To make it practical it would have to support functionality similar to Bigtable including runtime repartitioning.

The core theory of MySQL replication scaling is bankrupt. The idea works in practice because people are able to cheat (cluster partitioning) and make somewhat large installs by selecting the right hardware and tuning their application.The theory behind a clustered DB is that most of the complexity behind writing a scalable application can be removed if you don't have to out-think your backend database (Google goes into this in their GFS and Bigtable papers).

The scalability of MySQL replication is essentially:
N * Tps * ((Tps * wf) - Tps)
N is the number of machines in your cluster
Tps is the raw number of disk transactions per second per machine
wf is the 'write factor' or percentage of your transactions are writes (INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE) from 0-1.0.
You'll note that in the above equation if wf = 1.0 then you've hit your scalability wall and can't execute any more transactions. If wf = 0.0 you're performing all SELECT operation and actually scales fairly well.
The reason MySQL replication has worked to date is that most real world write factors are about .25 (25%) so most people are able to scale out their reads.

If you're running a cluster DB your scalability order is:
N * Tps * qf + ((N * Tps * wf)/2)

where qf is your query factor or the number of queries you need to run per second.
This is much more scalable. Basically this means that you can have as many transactions as you have boxes but writes perform on only 1/2 the boxes due to fault tolerant requirements. In this situation you can even scale your writes (though at 50% rate). MySQL cluster solves this problem as does Bigtable and essentially S3. Bigtable suffer's from lack of a solid Open Source implementation. S3 has a high latency problem since it's hosted on Amazon servers (though you can bypass this by running on EC2). My distributed Memcached backed by a persistent hashtable approach would have the advantage of scaling like the big boys (Bigtable, MySQL cluster, S3) and be simple to maintain and support caching internally. MySQL cluster doesn't do a very good job of caching at present and uses a page cache with is highly inefficient.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Anatomy of Hadoop I/O Pipeline


In a typical Hadoop MapReduce job, input files are read from HDFS.
Data are usually compressed to reduce the file sizes. After
decompression, serialized bytes are transformed into Java objects
before being passed to a user-defined map() function. Conversely,
output records are serialized, compressed, and eventually pushed back
to HDFS. This seemingly simple, two-way process is in fact much more
complicated due to a few reasons:

  • Compression and decompression are typically done through native
    library code.
  • End-to-end CRC32 checksum is always verified or calculated
    during reading or writing.
  • Buffer management is complicated due to various interface

In this blog post, I attempt to decompose and analyze the Hadoop I/O
pipeline in detail, and explore possible optimizations. To keep the
discussion concrete, I am going to use the ubiquitous example of
reading and writing line records from/to gzip-compressed text files. I
will not get into details on the DataNode side of the pipeline, and
instead mainly focus on the client-side (the map/reduce task
processes). Finally, all descriptions are based on Hadoop 0.21 trunk at
the time of this writing, which means you may see things differently if
you are using older or newer versions of Hadoop.

Reading Inputs

Figure 1 illustrates the I/O pipeline when reading line records from a
gzipped text file using TextInputFormat. The figure is divided in two
sides separated by a thin gap. The left side shows the DataNode
process, and the right side the application process (namely, the Map
task). From bottom to top, there are three zones where buffers are
allocated or manipulated: kernel space, native code space, and JVM
space. For the application process, from left to right, there are the
software layers that a data block needs to traverse through. Boxes with
different colors are buffers of various sorts. An arrow between two
boxes represents a data transfer or buffer-copy. The weight of an arrow
indicates the amount of data being transferred. The label in each box
shows the rough location of the buffer (either the variable that
references to the buffer, or the module where the buffer is allocated).
If available, the size of a buffer is described in square brackets. If
the buffer size is configurable, then both the configuration property
and the default size are shown. I tag each data transfer with the
numeric step where the transfer happens:

Figure 1: Reading line records from gzipped text files.

  1. Data transferred from DataNode to MapTask process. DBlk is the
    file data block; CBlk is the file checksum block. File data are
    transferred to the client through Java nio transferTo (aka UNIX
    sendfile syscall). Checksum data are first fetched to DataNode JVM
    buffer, and then pushed to the client (details are not shown). Both
    file data and checksum data are bundled in an HDFS packet
    (typically 64KB) in the format of: {packet header | checksum bytes
    | data bytes}.
  2. Data received from the socket are buffered in a
    BufferedInputStream, presumably for the purpose of reducing the
    number of syscalls to the kernel. This actually involves two
    buffer-copies: first, data are copied from kernel buffers into a
    temporary direct buffer in JDK code; second, data are copied from
    the temporary direct buffer to the byte[] buffer owned by the
    BufferedInputStream. The size of the byte[] in BufferedInputStream
    is controlled by configuration property 'io.file.buffer.size', and
    is default to 4K. In our production environment, this parameter is
    customized to 128K.
  3. Through the BufferedInputStream, the checksum bytes are saved
    into an internal ByteBuffer (whose size is roughly (PacketSize /
    512 * 4) or 512B), and file bytes (compressed data) are deposited
    into the byte[] buffer supplied by the decompression layer. Since
    the checksum calculation requires a full 512 byte chunk while a
    user's request may not be aligned with a chunk boundary, a 512B
    byte[] buffer is used to align the input before copying partial
    chunks into user-supplied byte[] buffer. Also note that data are
    copied to the buffer in 512-byte pieces (as required by
    FSInputChecker API). Finally, all checksum bytes are copied to a
    4-byte array for FSInputChecker to perform checksum verification.
    Overall, this step involves an extra buffer-copy.
  4. The decompression layer uses a byte[] buffer to receive data
    from the DFSClient layer. The DecompressorStream copies the data
    from the byte[] buffer to a 64K direct buffer, calls the native
    library code to decompress the data and stores the uncompressed
    bytes in another 64K direct buffer. This step involves two
  5. LineReader maintains an internal buffer to absorb data from the
    downstream. From the buffer, line separators are discovered and
    line bytes are copied to form Text objects. This step requires two

Optimizing Input Pipeline

Adding everything up, including a 'copy' for decompressing bytes,
the whole read pipeline involves seven buffer-copies to deliver a
record to MapTask's map() function since data are received in the
process's kernel buffer. There are a couple of things that could be
improved in the above process:

  • Many buffer-copies are needed simply to convert between direct
    buffer and byte[] buffer.
  • Checksum calculation can be done in bulk instead of one chunk
    oat a time.

Figure 2: Optimizing input pipeline.

Figure 2 shows the post-optimization view where the total number of
buffer copies is reduced from seven to three:

  1. An input packet is decomposed into the checksum part and the
    data part, which are scattered into two direct buffers: an internal
    one for checksum bytes, and the direct buffer owned by the
    decompression layer to hold compressed bytes. The FSInputChecker
    accesses both buffers directly.
  2. The decompression layer deflates the uncompressed bytes to a
    direct buffer owned by the LineReader.
  3. LineReader scans the bytes in the direct buffer, finds the line
    separators from the buffer, and constructs Text objects.

Writing Outputs

Now let's shift gears and look at the write-side of the story.
Figure 3 illustrates the I/O pipeline when a ReduceTask writes line
records into a gzipped text file using TextOutputFormat. Similar to
Figure 1, each data transfer is tagged with the numeric step where the
transfer occurs:

Figure 3: Writing line records into gzipped text files.

  1. TextOutputFormat's RecordWriter is unbuffered. When a user
    emits a line record, the bytes of the Text object are copied
    straight into a 64KB direct buffer owned by the compression layer.
    For a very long line, it will be copied to this buffer 64KB at a
    time for multiple times.
  2. Every time the compression layer receives a line (or part of a
    very long line), the native compression code is called, and
    compressed bytes are stored into another 64KB direct buffer. Data
    are then copied from that direct buffer to an internal byte[]
    buffer owned by the compression layer before pushing down to the
    DFSClient layer because the DFSClient layer only accepts byte[]
    buffer as input. The size of this buffer is again controlled by
    configuration property 'io.file.buffer.size'. This step involves
    two buffer-copies.
  3. FSOutputSummer calculates the CRC32 checksum from the byte[]
    buffer from the compression layer, and deposits both data bytes and
    checksum bytes into a byte[] buffer in a Packet object. Again,
    checksum calculation must be done on whole 512B chunks, and an
    internal 512B byte[] buffer is used to hold partial chunks that may
    result from compressed data not aligned with chunk boundaries.
    Checksums are first calculated and stored in a 4B byte[] buffer
    before being copied to the packet. This step involves one
  4. When a packet is full, the packet is pushed to a queue whose
    length is limited to 80. The size of the packet is controlled by
    configuration property 'dfs.write.packet.size' and is default to
    64KB. This step involves no buffer-copy.
  5. A DataStreamer thread waits on the queue and sends the packet
    to the socket whenever it receives one. The socket is wrapped with
    a BufferedOutputStream. But the byte[] buffer is very small (no
    more than 512B) and it is usually bypassed. The data, however,
    still needs to be copied to a temporary direct buffer owned by JDK
    code. This step requires two data copies.
  6. Data are sent from the ReduceTask's kernel buffer to the
    DataNode's kernel buffer. Before the data are stored in Block files
    and checksum files, there are a few buffer-copies in DataNode side.
    Unlike the case of DFS read, both file data and checksum data will
    traverse out of kernel, and into JVM land. The details of this
    process are beyond the discussion here and are not shown in the

Optimizing Output Pipeline

Overall, including the 'copy' for compressing bytes, the process

described above requires six buffer-copies for an output line record to
reach ReduceTask's kernel buffer. What could we do to optimize the
write pipeline?

  • We can probably reduce a few buffer-copies.
  • The native compression code may be called less frequently if we
    call it only after the input buffer is full (block compression
    codecs like LZO already do this).
  • Checksum calculations can be done in bulk instead of one chunk
    at a time.

Figure 4: Optimizing output pipeline.

Figure 4 shows how it looks like after these optimizations, where a
total of four buffer-copies are necessary:

  1. Bytes from a user's Text object are copied to a direct buffer
    owned by the TextOutputFormat layer.
  2. Once this buffer is full, native compression code is called and
    compressed data is deposited to a direct buffer owned by the
    compression layer.
  3. FSOutputSummer computes the checksum for bytes in the direct
    buffer from the compression layer and saves both data bytes and
    checksum bytes into a packet's direct buffer.
  4. A full packet will be pushed into a queue, and, in background,
    the DataStreamer thread sends the packet through the socket, which
    copies the bytes to be copied to kernel buffers.


This blog post came out of an afternoon spent asking ourselves
specific questions about Hadoop's I/O and validating the answers in the
code. It turns out, after combing through class after class, that the
pipeline is more complex than we originally thought. While each of us
is familiar with one or more components, we found the preceding,
comprehensive picture of Hadoop I/O elucidating, and we hope other
developers and users will, too. Effecting the optimizations outlined
above will be a daunting task, and this is the first step toward a more
performant Hadoop.

Top 10 Kanye West Interruption Parodies

Unless you’ve been living under a rock that doesn’t have Wi-Fi or a 3G signal, you’ve probably heard about Kanye West’s outburst at the Video Music Awards.
Being the bizarre and wonderfully creative place that it is, The Internets quickly came to the rescue with a slew of parodies, mashups and Photochops of even better Kanye interruptions.
In this feature we’ll take a look at some of the best and brightest an always-on culture with way too much time on its hands can deliver when faced with viral video of celebrities behaving badly.

10. Yo Shaq


[WeeGee, via rocdiesel]

9. Yo Mario


[I'mma Let You Finish]

8. Twitter Twibbon


What’s better than giving Kanye a way to interrupt absolutely everyone on Twitter? Not much.

7. Yo Jesus


[Tommy Oliver via rocdiesel]

6. Best Single Serving Website


This one really speaks for itself.

5. Yo Keyboard Cat


[I'mma Let You Finish]

4. Hitler Reacts

Not an interruption per se, but this adaptation of Downfall still deserves a spot on the list of Kanye interruption parodies.

3. Yo Palin


Tina Fey is a better Palin than Palin.

2. Yo Declaration of Independence


Surely one of the very few odes to the Magna Carta witnessed in recent memory.

1. Yo Obama

Kanye even managed to one-up Congressman Joe Wilson by interrupting President Obama’s health care reform speech. Obama still had the last word, though!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Entendendo HTML em outras Palavras

Um punhado de imagens de explicações nerd’s do código html. Se você não tem noção nenhuma, vai continuar sem entender nada. (Veja muito mais na continuação)


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