Monday, December 31, 2007

A Bayesian LDA-based Model for Semi-Supervised Part-of-speech Tagging

We present a novel Bayesian model for semi-supervised part-of-speech tagging. Our model extends the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model and incorporates the intuition that words’ distributions over tags, p(t|w), are sparse. In addition we introduce a model for determining the set of possible tags of a word which captures important dependencies in the ambiguity classes of words. Our model outperforms the best previously proposed model for this task on a standard dataset.

Users of the command line are familiar with the idea of building pipelines: a chain of simple commands strung together to the output of one becomes the input of the next. Using pipelines and a basic set of primitives, shell users can accomplish some sophisticated tasks. Here's a basic Unix shell pipeline that reports the ten longest .tip files in the current directory, based on the number of lines in each file:

 wc -l *.tip | grep \.tip | sort -n | tail -10

Let's see how to add something similar to Ruby. By the end of this set of two articles, we'll be able to write things like

puts (even_numbers | tripler | incrementer | multiple_of_five ).resume

and a palindrome finder using blocks:

words            = %w{Madam, the civic radar rotator is not level.}
is_palindrome = {|word| word == word.reverse}

pipeline = words .| {|word|"^a-z", '') } .| is_palindrome

while word = pipeline.resume
puts word

Great code? Nope. But getting there is fun. And, who knows? The techniques might well be useful in your next project.

A Daily Dose of Fiber

Ruby 1.9 adds support for Fibers. At their most basic, let you create simple generators (much as you could do previously with blocks. Here's a trivial example: a fiber that generates successive Fibonacci numbers:

      fib = do
f1 = f2 = 1
loop do
Fiber.yield f1
f1, f2 = f2, f1 + f2

10.times { puts fib.resume }

A fiber is somewhat like a thread, except you have control over when it gets scheduled. Initially, a fiber is suspended. When you resume it, it runs the block until the block finishes, or it hits a Fiber.yield. This is similar to a regular block yield: it suspends the fiber and passes control back to the resume. Any value passed to Fiber.yield becomes the value returned by resume.

By default, a fiber can only yield back to the code that resumed it. However, if you require the "fiber" library, Fibers get extended with a transfer method that allows one fiber to transfer control to another. Fibers then become fully fledged coroutines. However, we won't be needing all that power today.

Instead, let's get back to the idea of creating pipelines of functionality in code, much as you can create pipelines in the shell.

As a starting point, let's write two fibers. One's a generator—it creates a list of even numbers. The second is a consumer. All it does it accept values from the generator and print them. We'll make the consumer stop after printing 10 numbers.

    evens = do
value = 0
loop do
Fiber.yield value
value += 2

consumer = do
10.times do
next_value = evens.resume
puts next_value


Note how we had to use resume to kick off the consumer. Technically, the consumer doesn't have to be a Fiber, but, as we'll see in a minute, making it one gives us some flexibility.

As a next step, notice how we've created some coupling in this code. Our consumer fiber has the name of the evens generator coded into it. Let's wrap both fibers in a method, and pass the name of the generator into the consumer method.

    def evens do
value = 0
loop do
Fiber.yield value
value += 2

def consumer(source) do
10.times do
next_value = source.resume
puts next_value


OK. Let's add one more fiber to the weave. We'll create a filter that only passes on numbers that are multiples of three. Again, we'll wrap it in a method.

    def evens do
value = 0
loop do
Fiber.yield value
value += 2

def multiples_of_three(source) do
loop do
next_value = source.resume
Fiber.yield next_value if next_value % 3 == 0

def consumer(source) do
10.times do
next_value = source.resume
puts next_value


Running this, we get the output

. . .

This is getting cool. We write little chunks of code, and then combine them to get work done. Just like a pipeline. Except...

We can do better. First, the composition looks backwards. Because we're passing methods to methods, we write


Instead, we'd like to write

    evens | multiples_of_three | consumer

Also, there's a fair amount of duplication in this code. Each of our little pipeline methods has the same overall structure, and each is coupled to the implementation of fibers. Let's see if we can fix this.

Wrapping Fibers

As is usual when we're refactoring towards a solution, we're about to get really messy. Don't worry, though. It will all wash off, and we'll end up with something a lot neater.

First, let's create a class that represents something that can appear in our pipeline. At it's heart is the process method. This reads something from the input side of the pipe, then "handles" that value. The default handling is to write that value to the output side of the pipeline, passing it on to the next element in the chain.

    class PipelineElement

attr_accessor :source

def initialize
@fiber_delegate = do

def resume

def process
while value = input

def handle_value(value)

def input

def output(value)

When I first wrote this, I was tempted to make PipelineElement a subclass of Fiber, but that leads to coupling. In the end, the pipeline elements delegate to a separate Fiber object.

The first element of the pipeline doesn't receive any input from prior elements (because there are no prior elements), so we need to override its process method.

    class Evens < PipelineElement
def process
value = 0
loop do
value += 2

evens =

Just to make things more interesting, we'll create a generic MultiplesOf filter, so we can filter based on any number, and not just 3:

    class MultiplesOf < PipelineElement
def initialize(factor)
@factor = factor
def handle_value(value)
output(value) if value % @factor == 0

multiples_of_three =
multiples_of_seven =

Then we just knit it all together into a pipeline:

    multiples_of_three.source = evens
multiples_of_seven.source = multiples_of_three

10.times do
puts multiples_of_seven.resume

We get 0, 42, 84, 126, 168, and so on as output. (Any output stream that contains 42 must be correct, so no need for any unit tests here.)

But we're still a little way from our ideal of being able to pipe these puppies together. It's a good thing that Ruby let's us override the "|" operator. Up in class PipelineElement, define a new method:

    def |(other)
other.source = self

This allows us to write:

    10.times do
puts (evens | multiples_of_three | multiples_of_seven).resume

or even:

    pipeline = evens | multiples_of_three | multiples_of_seven

10.times do
puts pipeline.resume

Cool, or what?

In The Next Thrilling Installment

The next post will take these basic ideas and tart them up a bit, allowing us to use blocks directly in pipelines. We'll also reveal why our PipelineElement class I just wrote is somewhat more complicated than might seem necessary. In the meantime, here's the full source of the code so far.

    class PipelineElement

attr_accessor :source

def initialize
@fiber_delegate = do

def |(other)
other.source = self

def resume

def process
while value = input

def handle_value(value)

def input

def output(value)

# The classes below are the elements in our pipeline
class Evens < PipelineElement
def process
value = 0
loop do
value += 2

class MultiplesOf < PipelineElement
def initialize(factor)
@factor = factor
def handle_value(value)
output(value) if value % @factor == 0

evens =
multiples_of_three =
multiples_of_seven =

pipeline = evens | multiples_of_three | multiples_of_seven

10.times do
puts pipeline.resume

Product: collectd

From :

'collectd' is a small daemon which collects system information every 10 seconds and writes the results in an RRD-file. The statistics gathered include: CPU and memory usage, system load, network latency (ping), network interface traffic, and system temperatures (using lm-sensors), and disk usage. 'collectd' is not a script; it is written in C for performance and portability. It stays in the memory so there is no need to start up a heavy interpreter every time new values should be logged.

read more

Friday, December 21, 2007

Packing Down Prototype

In the world of client-side development, page size definitely matters and John-David Dalton is doing his best to improve this. Awhile back, he took on the task of trying to determine how to best optimize the 120k+ Prototype and libraries and get the best compression out of the files. He's done an absolutely fabulous job in the past and continues to pack the libraries as new versions are released. He's just released his new version of his compressed Prototype collection and released it on Google Code.

This pack contains the following compressed versions of Prototype: 1.4, 1.5,, 1.6.0 and Scriptaculous: 1.7.1_beta3, 1.8.0. This release compresses Prototype and Scriptaculous around 10% more than regular gzipping.

Prototype's lowest weighs in at 20.4kb.

Scriptaculous' lowest weighs in at: 19.7kb.

Protoculous' lowest weighs in at: 38.4kb.

Compressed forms of Scriptaculous are segmented to allow for custom builds of Protoculous/Scriptaculous.

He has included a common custom build with the pack, "Prototype+Effects", which weighs in at around 26kb. That's smaller than standard Prototype gzipped!

Protoculous also allows the loading of additional js files like Scriptaculous via: protoculous.js?load=one,two

You can download his collection here and included in the download is a readme file providing more details about his build.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Google Text Ad Subversion

There’s an interesting article over at ZDNet that explained that Google’s text ads are getting subverted by trojans on people’s machines to get them to click on other people’s ads. It wasn’t clear what those ads were, exactly, but there you have it. I see this kind of thing as a clear path for future monetization - similar to how bad guys are adding extra form fields into forms via malware to gain more information about your identity. Very clever, and easy to do.

This is different from when Google’s ads were spreading malware but has the same basic purpose. Ultimately getting code on people’s machines is the best way to get control of the machine and ultimately make money off of it via spam, clicks, or whatever else they come up with.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Funny Books[Added new books]

English as a Second F*cking Language: How to Swear Effectively, Explained in Detail with Numerous Examples Taken From Everyday Life

Get Your Tongue Out of My Mouth, I'm Kissing You Good-bye!

When Your Phone Doesn't Ring, It'll Be Me

Even God Is Single, So Stop Giving Me A Hard Time

If You Can't Live Without Me, Why Aren't You Dead Yet?!

Babies and Other Hazards of Sex: How to Make a Tiny Person in Only 9 Months, with Tools You Probably Have around the Home

Dave Barry's Stay Fit and Healthy Until You're Dead

Women Are from Venus, Men Are from Hell

  • Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Human Intelligence but Were Too Dumb to Ask: A Humorous Look at What Intelligence Is, How It Works & Who's Got It

Monday, December 3, 2007

Funny Books

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Intelligent Design

Teaching Kids to Read for Dummies

If Singleness Is a Gift, What's the Return Policy?

If Men Are Like Buses, Then How Do I Catch One?

How to Be Happy Though Married

Old Tractors and the Men Who Love Them: How to Keep Your Tractors Happy and Your Family Running

The Thermodynamics of Pizza

Tea Bag Folding

Lightweight Sandwich Construction

The Art and Craft of Pounding Flowers: No Ink, No Paint, Just a Hammer

Art and Science of Dumpster Diving

Outwitting Fish

How to Cook Roadkill

The History of Lesbian Hair

The Big Book Of Lesbian Horse Stories

How to Succeed in Business without a Penis

Dining Posture in Ancient Rome

The Joy of Sex, Pocket Edition

Penetrating Wagner's Ring

Whose Bottom Is This?

Straight Talk About Surgical Penis Enlargement

Circumcisions by Appointment

Bullying and Sexual Harassment: A Practical Guide

Scouts in Bondage

Love Your Body, Extended Edition

You're Dead and You Don't Even Know It

People Who Don't Know They're Dead: How They Attach Themselves To Unsuspecting bystanders and what to do about it

  • The Great Pantyhose Crafts Book

  • Teach Yourself Sex

  • Sex After Death

  • Making it in leather

  • Soil nailing

  • The Madam as Entrepreneur: Career Management in House Prostitution

  • So your wife came home speaking in tongues?: So did mine!

  • Children Are Wet Cement

  • Old Age: Its Cause & Prevention

  • Correct Mispronunciations of Some South Carolina Names

  • Mensa for Dummies

  • Greek rural postmen and their cancellation numbers

  • Life and laughter 'midst the cannibals

  • Throw Me a Bone, What Happens When You Marry an Archaeologist

  • Phone Calls from the Dead

  • Reusing Old Graves

  • Erections On Allotments - George W. Giles And Fred M. Osborn, Central Allotments Committee

  • Play With Your Own Marbles - J.J. Wright, S.W Partridge, C.1865

  • Proceedings Of The Second International Workshop On Nude Mice (1978)

  • Suggestive Thoughts For Busy Workers

  • How To Do Cups And Balls - The Vampire Press, 1946

  • Premature Burial And How It May Be Prevented

  • How To Cook Husbands; 1899

  • The Gentle Art Of Cooking Wives; 1900

  • The Disadvantages Of Being Dead

  • The Brain-Workers' Handbook

  • When All Else Fails, It's Time To Try...Frog Raising

Monday, February 26, 2007

Dojo Offline Demo and Release

Brad Neuberg keeps sprinting with his offline work for Dojo. He has just released a demo of an offline aware editor, and a release of the code itself:

We’ve finished the JavaScript layer of Dojo Offline. Dojo Offline consists of two major pieces: a JavaScript API that is included with a web application, and which helps with syncing, on/offline status notification, caching of data and resources, etc.; and a local small web proxy download that is cross-platform and cross-browser and which is web application independent. The JavaScript API is now finished, and can actually be used even though we have not finished the local web proxy yet. This is done by having the JavaScript layer be able to use the browser’s native cache if no offline cache is available. This means you can start playing with Dojo Offline right now, with the download link included in this blog post below. Note that using the browser cache instead of the web proxy is only suitable for prototyping and should not be deployed on production applications; it will work with varying degrees of success on Internet Explorer and Firefox, but not consistently on Safari. Higher levels of reliability will only come when we deliver the local web proxy component.

To start using Dojo Offline now in conjunction with the browser cache, you must have the following in your JavaScript code: = false. You must also turn on HTTP caching headers on your web server; how to turn on these HTTP headers and which ones to turn on are explained in the Dojo Storage FAQ. See the Moxie code links below for more examples of how to use the API. Note that the Dojo Offline JavaScript API has changed, especially for syncing, since our API blog post about a month ago and has become much simpler — see the Moxie source for details.

The demo of Moxie shown in the screencast can also be played with right in your browser. Please note that both Moxie and Dojo Offline are still alpha; you are literally seeing Dojo Offline being developed in front of your eyes, and glitches remain in both of them. Please debug and provide test cases for errors you find to help development.


Moxie Offline Demo

Sunday, February 25, 2007

"We make it easier to work with Yahoo’s services than Yahoo does." That is what Alex believes as he announces that Dojo supports Yahoo! Pipes, which adds to the forward-thinking JSON-P style endpoints.

It’s cool and interesting to be able to call out to Pipes from your server-side web-app, but what the mashup-mad word REALLY needs is to be able to do the same thing from a browser. Despite not really being in the docs anywhere, Yahoo’s Kent Brewster points out that Pipes supports a JSON-P callback argument. Awesome!

The structure of Pipes URLs are different than every other Yahoo service (much like flickr. ugg.), so there’s no Dojo RPC for it yet, but you can easily query a pipe using and the ScriptSrcIO transport:



  2. // get news results for Cometd

  3. dojo.require(""); // the x-domain magic

  4. dojo.require("dojo.debug.console"); // firebug integration


  6.   // grab this URL from the pipe you're interested in

  7.   url: "",

  8.   mimetype: "text/json",

  9.   transport: "ScriptSrcTransport",

  10.   jsonParamName: "callback”, // aha!

  11.   content: {

  12.     “render”: “json”,

  13.     “textinput1″: “cometd”

  14.   },

  15.   load: function(type, data, evt){

  16.      // log the response out to the Firebug console

  17.      dojo.require(”dojo.json”);

  18.      dojo.debug(dojo.json.serialize(arguments));

  19.   }

  20. });